What Does Solicit Mean in a Contract

When it comes to legal contracts, there are many words that may leave you scratching your head and wondering what they mean. One such word is “solicit.” What does solicit mean in a contract, exactly? In this article, we`ll explore its definition and how it pertains to legal agreements.

Definition of “Solicit”

In its most basic form, “solicit” means to ask for something. However, when it appears in a legal context, its meaning becomes more specific. According to Black`s Law Dictionary, “solicit” means “to persistently or repeatedly attempt to influence or incite another person to act, particularly with regard to the commission of a crime.”

In the context of a contract, “solicitation” refers to the act of seeking or attempting to influence someone to take a specific action. For example, an employment contract may include a non-solicitation clause that states that the employee cannot solicit clients or customers from their former employer after leaving the company.

How Solicitation May Affect a Contract

Depending on the context of the contract, solicitation clauses may be included to protect one party from having their clients or customers solicited or poached by the other party. This is especially common in employment contracts, where businesses may want to prevent their employees from taking clients or confidential information with them if they leave.

Non-solicitation clauses can also be used to protect trade secrets, intellectual property, or other sensitive information. By prohibiting solicitation, the employer can prevent the former employee from using their knowledge of the company`s practices to gain an advantage in the marketplace.

Violating a solicitation clause can result in serious consequences. Depending on the terms of the contract, the violating party may be liable for damages, injunctions, or other legal action.

In Conclusion

In summary, the term “solicit” in a contract refers to the act of seeking or attempting to influence one party to take a specific action. Non-solicitation clauses are commonly included in employment contracts and other agreements to prevent one party from poaching clients or confidential information from another.

As a professional, it`s important to ensure that your writing on legal topics is clear, concise, and easy to understand. By breaking down complex legal jargon into more accessible language, you can help readers better understand the nuances of legal contracts and agreements.