Subject Verb Agreement with Always

Subject-verb agreement is a critical element in ensuring that your writing is clear and concise. It helps in avoiding ambiguity and confusion, especially in SEO and digital content writing. One common issue that often arises is subject-verb agreement with adverbs of frequency like `always.` In this article, we`ll discuss the rules of subject-verb agreement with `always` and how to apply them correctly in your writing.

Firstly, let`s define what an adverb of frequency is. An adverb of frequency provides information about how often an action occurs. Examples include always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never. When using adverbs of frequency, it is essential to consider the subject-verb agreement. The verb should agree with the subject in terms of number and person.

When using the adverb `always,` it is crucial to note that it is not the subject of the sentence. For instance, in the sentence “He always runs in the morning,” `he` is the subject, and `runs` is the verb. Therefore, the verb `runs` agrees with the singular subject `he.`

However, the verb `always` may act as an adverbial phrase in a sentence. It provides information about when or how an action occurs. For instance, in the sentence “She is always late for appointments,” the adverbial phrase `always late` provides information about the frequency of tardiness. In this case, the verb `is` agrees with the singular subject `she` and not the adverbial phrase `always late.`

In cases where the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural, regardless of the adverbial phrase. For example, in the sentence “They always sing together,” the verb `sing` is plural because the subject `they` is also plural.

Another point to note is that adverbs of frequency may come at different positions in a sentence. They may come before the verb, after the verb, or at the beginning or end of a sentence. Regardless of their position, the subject-verb agreement rules remain the same.

In summary, subject-verb agreement with always is crucial in ensuring clear and concise writing. Adverbs of frequency provide information about how often an action occurs, and the verb should agree with the subject in terms of number and person. Remember that the adverb `always` is not the subject of the sentence, and the verb should agree with the subject, regardless of the adverbial phrase`s position. By applying these rules, you can avoid confusion and improve the clarity of your writing.