Thematic Analysis Inter Rater Agreement

The case study used a codebook as part of the thematic analysis. A codebook is a tool to support the analysis of large qualitative data sets. It defines codes and topics by providing detailed descriptions and limitations of what can be contained in a code, and provides concrete examples of each code. A code is often a short word or phrase that symbolically assigns a summative, prominent, food-inducing, or attribute to a portion of the data.[17] The use of a codebook was considered appropriate to test the interpretation of the data and demonstrate the rigour of the project. This article gave a detailed and honest presentation of the difficulties in being rigorous in the thematic analysis of qualitative data. However, the researchers involved in this project found the development and use of a codebook and the application of the codebook by a team of researchers to the beneficial data, albeit time-consuming. The codebook has been designed to enhance the potential for inter-coder agreements and reliability testing, and to ensure accurate description of analyses. The approach was consistent with the ontological and epistemological framework that shaped the study, allowing for the unique perspectives that were highlighted while maintaining the integrity of the analysis. Although the creation of the codebook took a long time, there is the certainty of a demonstration of rigor and reliability in the process. This article described the steps involved in the thematic analysis process used in this project and helps to describe the rigour demonstrated in the qualitative component of this mixed methods study. This article does not attempt to present an analysis of the data in relation to the research question, but provides a clear description of the process performed within a qualitative data analysis framework. This article explains and explores the use of Fereday and Muir-Cochranes` hybrid analytical approach, which combines deductive and inductive coding while integrating it into a different philosophical perspective [7].

The clear description of the coding and reliability testing processes used in this analysis can be replicated and will support researchers who wish to be rigorous in similar studies. We recommend that others starting qualitative team analysis adopt and improve the concept of codebook development to control complex analytical processes. This combined inductive/deductive approach corresponds to both a mixed style of methodology and a pragmatic epistemology in which methods are selected by the researcher to best answer research questions. An ontological approach to critical realism also meant that if the deductive approach provided a solid first foundation, the creator of the codebook had to involve an inductive process to clearly represent the reality of others in data analysis. Although the development of a codebook is not considered a mode of rapid analysis [2], it allows for discussion and the possibility of replication within qualitative methods that use what could be considered a quantitative tool. It also allows for easier application of reliability testing. The development of a codebook discussed in this article was part of a multi-phase research project using mixed methods (systematically referred to as a “case study”) with the overall goal of identifying barriers and improving communication between two groups of health care providers. The discussion on demonstrating codebook development will include examples from the Doctoral research project, and while a full discussion of the project is not within the scope of this article, context will contribute to the basis of the discussion.

Design or conception of the work KR, TD, JN. Data collection KR. Analysis and interpretation of KR data Draft of Article KR. Critical revision of the article KR, TD, JN. Final approval of the version to be released KR, TD, JN. Navigating the world of qualitative thematic analysis can be challenging. In addition, detailed descriptions of methods are often omitted from qualitative discussions. Although qualitative research methods are now mature, there is often a lack of detail in their description both at the level of peer-submitted articles and in textbooks. Since one of the objectives of the research is to determine the relationship between knowledge and practice by being rigorous, more detailed descriptions of the methods may be useful. Rigor in quantitative research is often determined by detailed explanations that allow replication, but replication capacity is often not considered adequate in qualitative research. However, a well-described qualitative methodology could demonstrate and ensure the same effect.

Miles MB, Huberman AM. Qualitative data analysis: an extended source book. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications; 1994. In addition, it could be argued that these processes test the process rather than the results. They actually test the extent to which evaluators are aware of and apply the coding guidelines and framework. It takes a lot of work for multiple programmers to analyze a data set, they need to understand what each code means and when it needs to be applied. This can create a coding manual or part of a detailed description between researchers. Good planning and preparation will go a long way in improving the accuracy and reliability of the process. This recent blog post talks about some of the other practical considerations for collaborating on qualitative data analysis. But before qualitative researchers use an interracter reliability method, they need to understand what they are and how they work. The first question should be: What do you want to test? Is it true that several researchers have created the same code in a well-founded theoretical approach? How often were the codes used? How many highlights/quotes were coded in the same way? Any of these situations can be tested for IRR, but TRI is the most common.

Projection is another limitation of this thematic approach to analysis. .