Equipment Loan Agreement

The university may apply to borrow from an external organization (often referred to as a “sponsor”), or a sponsor may offer the university to lend certain equipment for research purposes, usually free of charge. Equipment is defined as non-consumable tangible personal property with a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per acquisition. * It should be noted that there are some restrictions on government equipment owned by agencies other than the federal government. The loan of government equipment may be contrary to the rights and regulations established by this government agency, so always check with our Sponsored Projects Office if a loan includes government equipment. If a sponsor wishes to borrow equipment from an academic researcher, they should inform the Head of Department and contact the Industry Engagement Office (OIE) or the Sponsored Projects Office (PSO) for next steps. In addition, devices in the university`s inventory that belong to the university (with the exception of devices purchased with federal government funds*) may be loaned to an external organization or individual. However, as a Texas state entity, there are many considerations regarding lending equipment to an external entity or borrowing equipment from an external entity. For example, contact the Industry Engagement Office for more information. .