Lesson Plan on Pronoun Verb Agreement

“These pronouns are all, all, more, most, none, some, and so on. For these indefinite pronouns, ask yourself if what the pronoun refers to is countable or not. If countable, treat the pronoun as a plural. If it is not countable, treat the pronoun in the singular. For example, “All players are here.” Since you can count the number of players, the pronoun should be considered a plural and needs the plural verb. However, for the phrase “all the sugar is gone,” you really can`t count every grain of sugar, so you should consider the singular pronoun that the singular verb needs. If you`re not sure, imagine you`re drawing the name. Have your complete list published so that students know which indefinite pronouns are singular and which are plural. Verbs in the present tense describe what is generally true or what happens repeatedly. 👉 If you use the pronouns I, you, us and them, do not add “s” to the basic verb.

So, if the plural pronoun is like us, the verb should also be plural as is! In our subject-verb agreement lesson plan, students learn the basics of subject-verb correspondence and how to ensure subject-verb matching in their own writing. Students also learn pronoun-precursor pairing. Now master the pronoun-verb correspondence on your own. Press the Start Exercise button at the bottom. The possible inclusion of commercial websites below is not an implicit endorsement of their products, which are not free and are not required for this lesson plan. 👉 If you use the pronouns he, she, and it, add “s” to the end of the base verb to make it present. 👉 The same goes for pronouns like him, she and her. Focus question: What are the difficulties with an indefinite subject-verb match? There are only 2 rules to use the correct present verb with a pronoun. Ask students to write and illustrate 14 sentences: two sentences for each of the seven pronouns, one with a countable noun, and one with an innumerable noun.

In the interest of time, you can ask students to fill out this form as partners or put the pronoun and name pieces in envelopes and distribute assignments. As students work on the activity, move around the room and help students who need help determine the correct verb form for each pronoun. Collect, evaluate, and provide feedback for this activity before proceeding to Lesson 3. Check the subject-verb match rule: subjects and verbs must match in number (singular or plural). If a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular, and if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. Ask students to give examples of sentences with a singular subject and verb. Next, ask for sample sentences with subjects and plural verbs. Write down the examples in the class. Ask students to identify the subject and verb in each sentence, and then indicate that they match in number. “Think of six names with your partner: three that are countable and three that are not. Next, write six sentences with these six nouns and six of the indefinite pronouns in the class list. Circle the noun to which the indefinite pronoun refers and underline the verb.

Then illustrate the name next to the sentence. Your drawings do not need to be elaborated; Stick figures or sketches that show if the name is countable are all you need. When they`re done, share your sentences with another group. Once students have completed this task, have each couple share one of their sentences while you save it for class. You may also want students to publish their articles with their drawings in the room so that everyone can see them. So we just need to learn the rules for the verbs present. Ask the class to help you make a list of seven countable names (e.g.B students, teachers, swings, books, shirts, siblings, friends) and seven that are not (e.B. Homework, corn, mail, smoke, gravity, history, noise). Display these names in two columns under the headings: Countable/Plural and Uncountable/Singular. .